Asda and Mackie Academy
10th Nov 2023
Mackie Academy
Asda and Mackie Academy


A tour of Asda allowed the young people to learn about different job roles within the retail sector and the the types of activities associated with each role. They each carried out a work-related task, following a supervisor's instructions and making use of appropriate equipment. Pupils were given checkout experience, courtesy of a role-play exercise where they took turns to scan items, pack bags and issue receipts.

Results and effectiveness

The afternoon at Asda complemented the pupils' in-school learning and provided them with a positive, supported experience to aid their understanding of the workplace and employability skills.

Additional benefits

Pupil engaged with several different staff members during their visit, which encouraged the development of their communication skills.

Carol Meller
Principal Teacher ASL, Mackie Academy

"The students thoroughly enjoyed their visit and were full of stories about it when they returned. It was such a worthwhile experience for them, especially being able to run the till!"

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