31st May, 2024

DYW North East welcomes new coordinators

DYW North East has added three new faces to the team to bolster its efforts to connect the region’s employers and young people. Anna Blair, Michelle Robb and Lisa Turner join DYW North East as Employer School Coordinators. They will work closely with local organisations to encourage them to support and recruit young people.

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Pictured above (left to right): Michelle Robb, Anna Blair and Lisa Turner

Each of the trio adds new strengths and knowledge to the DYW North East team. Anna has worked in equality and diversity, with experience in the heritage and energy sectors. Michelle and Lisa both join DYW North East from roles within education. Michelle has a strong background in sports operations and administration, while Lisa is a qualified HR professional, who has worked across both the commercial and third sectors.

Margo Milne, Director, DYW North East said: “Anna, Michelle and Lisa join us at a key time as we seek to enhance and grow the positive work that is already taking place between our region’s employers and young people.

“We’re constantly striving to make it easier for industry professionals to connect with the next generation of workers; we’re also firmly focused on making the activities we facilitate even more impactful for young people.

“The skills and enthusiasm that our three new team members bring will only help to support these goals.”

Developing the Young Workforce is a Scottish Government initiative that aims to make it easier for employers and educators to connect and equip young people for the world. DYW North East is one of 20 regional DYW groups with responsibility for fostering these connections across Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire.

Get in touch with the team at info@dyw.org.uk

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