15th Sep, 2021

Young Person's Guarantee - Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question about the Young Person's Guarantee? Here, DYW North East answer some frequently asked questions.
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Do you have a question about the Young Person's Guarantee? Here, DYW North East answer some frequently asked questions.

What is the Young Person’s Guarantee and how can my business access it? 

The Young Person’s Guarantee is a collective commitment that every young person aged between 16 and 24 in Scotland will be guaranteed either the opportunity to study at university or college, take part in an apprenticeship programme, take up a job or work experience, or participate in a formal volunteering or training programme according to their own personal circumstances.  

I currently have no vacancies but would still like to support the Young Person’s Guarantee, is there anything I can do? 

There are lots of ways you can support the Young Person’s Guarantee beyond offering jobs. Examples include supporting young people in school to better understand and prepare for the world of work through Developing the Young Workforce. Working with training and employability providers to offer work placements, work preparation or support, or offering a young person the opportunity to volunteer in your organisation.    

Our organisation is already involved in supporting young people at school and apprenticeships. Is this something else to get involved in? 

The economic impact of the recent pandemic has been felt most acutely by certain groups with young people being hardest hit. The Young Person’s Guarantee is a call to action to support this generation so their valuable contribution to the economy of Scotland is not lost.   

This will require employers who have not previously been involved in supporting youth employment to get involved, but also those who have previously been involved to think about other ways they could support this generation. This might be through more involvement across the 5 Asks, developing work practises or encouraging others to follow their leadership.    

Is there financial support available to help my company get involved? 

There is a range support available to help companies recruit and train young people. DYW North East can help you explore options and the support available.  

How much will it cost me to get involved? 

There do not need to be any direct financial costs to the employer in being involved, depending on the commitments they make and how they can give young people the support they need to enter the workplace.  

Can this help with training/upskilling my existing staff? 

Modern and Graduate Apprenticeships can be used to develop and upskill existing staff as well as a recruitment method. To find out more visit apprenticeships.scot.

How will getting involved benefit my company? 

Young people bring a wealth of talent, creativity, and enthusiasm to an organisation. Multi-generational or age diverse workplaces are considered a great way to future proof your business and increase innovation. Providing opportunities for young people is an investment in your business, and the future of the economy.  

Won’t the Young Person’s Guarantee further complicate an already busy landscape? 

The Young Person’s Guarantee aims to act as an ‘umbrella’ for all the available opportunities for young people. Many of the programmes within it are not new but the Guarantee  will help employers navigate the landscape of existing activities and make it easier to access the skills you need.  

Why do we need the Young Person’s Guarantee if DWP Kickstart has already been launched?

DWP Kickstart is one part of the Young Person’s Guarantee and may not be the correct option for everyone. The Guarantee is a way for a young person to find an opportunity best suited to them whether that be through a job, apprenticeship, education, training or volunteering. The Guarantee may also offer opportunities to build on Kickstart placements, for example by helping move young people into Modern Apprenticeships or jobs, following their placements.   

Where can I find out more information about getting involved?

You can find out more about why you should sign up to the Young Person's Guarantee here. You can also contact DYW North East, who can provide information on how to get involved and the support available, via email. You can also visit the official website for more information including details of the 5 Asks at bit.ly/YPG-Employer.

Get in touch with the team at info@dyw.org.uk

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